Showing posts with label Motivasi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivasi. Show all posts

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Be One Hundred Percent Man Belajar jadi Orang yg Fokus dan Disiplin

Be One Hundred Percent Man Belajar jadi Orang yg Fokus dan Disiplin Untuk berhasil di bidang apapun, semua orang harus serius dan fokus dalam menjalankan kerjanya. Di bidang bisnis online, tidak semua orang bisa fokus dalam menjalankan bisnisnya karena godaan-godaan peluang lain yg bisa mengganggu konsentrasi. Untuk bisa menjalankan bisnis secara fokus, perlu dilakukan disiplin pribadi seratus persen (100%) agar hasilnya memuaskan. Berdasarkan pengalaman mengajar banyak member, berikut beberapa disiplin pribadi yg perlu kita lakukan : 1. Disiplin Belajar. Member yg berhasil adalah mereka yg mau membaca, belajar, dan mengambil intisari dari apa yg diajarkan. Belajar memang perlu kedisiplinan secara terus-menerus. Jika sedang belajar membuat website, tutup dulu halaman lain yg tidak berkaitan seperti interaksi di media sosial (Facebook, Twitter, dll), chattingan di YM, dan Email yg tidak berkaitan. Orang yg sudah berhasil pun masih merasa perlu belajar fokus karena ilmu di bisnis online sangat luas, ada saja perkembangan cara-cara baru untuk menunjang keberhasilan. 2. Disiplin Praktek pada Program yg dipilih. Jika Anda masih baru mengenal bisnis online, pelajari dan praktekkan 1 program bisnis saja untuk menjaga fokus. Konsentrasi Anda harus seratus persen (100%) agar saat praktek energi Anda bisa dicurahkan pada 1 program yg prospektif dan cocok bagi Anda. Seperti pada sinar matahari yg fokus pada sebuah lensa yg membakar kertas, atau seperti pada tetesan air terjun yg bisa melubangi batu sungai, maka fokus Anda yg seratus persen (100%) bisa menyingkirkan kesulitan-kesulitan yg selama ini jadi penghalang. 3. Disiplin Konsultasi. Orang yg berhasil bukan saja orang yg mampu belajar sendiri, namun kebanyakan orang yg berhasil adalah mereka yg sering melakukan konsultasi kepada orang lain yg dianggap bisa, guru, mentor, atau rekan bisnis yg dianggap sudah berhasil. Jika kita bingung dalam menjalankan praktek bisnis online, maka kita perlu orang lain yg kompeten untuk tempat bertanya. Jika kita sudah tahu jawabannya, maka silahkan praktek lagi. Namun suatu ketika kita akan mentok lagi pada hal-hal lain, maka perlu bertanya atau konsultasi lagi. Begitu seterusnya sampai Anda merasa sudah bisa 'berjalan' sendiri dan berkreasi dengan banyaknya peluang bisnis online di luar sana. Jika tidak disipilin konsultasi, maka jalan Anda akan terseok-seok dan mengalami banyak hambatan. 4. Disiplin Menjaga Semangat. Ini hal yg paling penting, menjaga semangat supaya tetap "On". Banyak orang semangat di awal ketika belajar bisnis online, namun kendur semangatnya ketika sudah setengah jalan. Ada saja hal-hal yg bisa menurunkan semangat, seperti kesibukan kerja kantor karena masih karyawan, pasangan (suami atau istri) yg tidak mendukung, pernah ditipu dalam suatu program internet, sudah baca buku tapi kok ndak ngerti-ngerti, sudah keluar biaya banyak tapi belum menghasilkan, dan masih banyak alasan-alasan lain. Jika menghadapi hal-hal di atas, semangat Anda harus tetap dijaga dengan bertemu "penyulut api semangat". Apa saja penyulut api semangat tsb? Ya bisa bertemu dengan orang-orang yg sudah berhasil, bergabung dalam suatu komunitas yg seperjuangan (misal Komunitas RWP), masuk ke forum-forum diskusi yg membahas tentang topik yg sedang kita fokuskan, atau ambil waktu berlibur dari rutinitas kerja Anda selama ini. Mungkin Anda perlu break untuk mengembalikan stamina yg sempat menurun. So friend, Jadilah orang yg totalitas dalam berbisnis, yg seratus persen (100%) fokus dan disiplin dalam bekerja. Suatu saat Anda akan rasakan hasilnya bisa memuaskan diri dan keluarga. Be One Hundred Percent Man...! Sukses untuk Kita yg Mau Fokus dan Disiplin,

Be One Hundred Percent Man

Belajar jadi Orang yg Fokus dan Disiplin

Untuk berhasil di bidang apapun, semua orang harus serius dan fokus dalam menjalankan kerjanya. Di bidang bisnis online, tidak semua orang bisa fokus dalam menjalankan bisnisnya karena godaan-godaan peluang lain yg bisa mengganggu konsentrasi. Untuk bisa menjalankan bisnis secara fokus, perlu dilakukan disiplin pribadi seratus persen (100%) agar hasilnya memuaskan.
Berdasarkan pengalaman mengajar banyak member, berikut beberapa disiplin pribadi yg perlu kita lakukan :

1. Disiplin Belajar.
Member yg berhasil adalah mereka yg mau membaca, belajar, dan mengambil intisari dari apa yg diajarkan. Belajar memang perlu kedisiplinan secara terus-menerus. Jika sedang belajar membuat website, tutup dulu halaman lain yg tidak berkaitan seperti interaksi di media sosial (Facebook, Twitter, dll), chattingan di YM, dan Email yg tidak berkaitan. Orang yg sudah berhasil pun masih merasa perlu belajar fokus karena ilmu di bisnis online sangat luas, ada saja perkembangan cara-cara baru untuk menunjang keberhasilan.

2. Disiplin Praktek pada Program yg dipilih.
Jika Anda masih baru mengenal bisnis online, pelajari dan praktekkan 1 program bisnis saja untuk menjaga fokus. Konsentrasi Anda harus seratus persen (100%) agar saat praktek energi Anda bisa dicurahkan pada 1 program yg prospektif dan cocok bagi Anda. Seperti pada sinar matahari yg fokus pada sebuah lensa yg membakar kertas, atau seperti pada tetesan air terjun yg bisa melubangi batu sungai, maka fokus Anda yg seratus persen (100%) bisa menyingkirkan kesulitan-kesulitan yg selama ini jadi penghalang.

3. Disiplin Konsultasi.
Orang yg berhasil bukan saja orang yg mampu belajar sendiri, namun kebanyakan orang yg berhasil adalah mereka yg sering melakukan konsultasi kepada orang lain yg dianggap bisa, guru, mentor, atau rekan bisnis yg dianggap sudah berhasil. Jika kita bingung dalam menjalankan praktek bisnis online, maka kita perlu orang lain yg kompeten untuk tempat bertanya. Jika kita sudah tahu jawabannya, maka silahkan praktek lagi. Namun suatu ketika kita akan mentok lagi pada hal-hal lain, maka perlu bertanya atau konsultasi lagi. Begitu seterusnya sampai Anda merasa sudah bisa 'berjalan' sendiri dan berkreasi dengan banyaknya peluang bisnis online di luar sana. Jika tidak disipilin konsultasi, maka jalan Anda akan terseok-seok dan mengalami banyak hambatan.

4. Disiplin Menjaga Semangat.
Ini hal yg paling penting, menjaga semangat supaya tetap "On". Banyak orang semangat di awal ketika belajar bisnis online, namun kendur semangatnya ketika sudah setengah jalan. Ada saja hal-hal yg bisa menurunkan semangat, seperti kesibukan kerja kantor karena masih karyawan, pasangan (suami atau istri) yg tidak mendukung, pernah ditipu dalam suatu program internet, sudah baca buku tapi kok ndak ngerti-ngerti, sudah keluar biaya banyak tapi belum menghasilkan, dan masih banyak alasan-alasan lain. Jika menghadapi hal-hal di atas, semangat Anda harus tetap dijaga dengan bertemu "penyulut api semangat". Apa saja penyulut api semangat tsb? Ya bisa bertemu dengan orang-orang yg sudah berhasil, bergabung dalam suatu komunitas yg seperjuangan (misal Komunitas RWP), masuk ke forum-forum diskusi yg membahas tentang topik yg sedang kita fokuskan, atau ambil waktu berlibur dari rutinitas kerja Anda selama ini. Mungkin Anda perlu break untuk mengembalikan stamina yg sempat menurun.

So friend, Jadilah orang yg totalitas dalam berbisnis, yg seratus persen (100%) fokus dan disiplin dalam bekerja. Suatu saat Anda akan rasakan hasilnya bisa memuaskan diri dan keluarga. Be One Hundred Percent Man...!

Sukses untuk Kita yg Mau Fokus dan Disiplin,

Credit :

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Cool Social button

Cool Social button

  • Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

  • Social bookmarking gadgets are the easiest ways to boost traffic on your blog and earn more money.Till today we have shared many kind social sharing and bookmarking widgets but this one is little different from all of them because each button has a different background.This button contains a twitter tweet button,facebook like button and google +1 button also the installation of the widget is one step installation you just have to add some piece of code in your template.If you want to see the demo of widget then scroll down,you will find the demo at the bottom of the post,also don't forgot to use them :) Now without waiting anymore let's see how to add it to blogger blog.

    How to Add This Widget To Blogger?

    1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template
    2. Take a backup of your template
    3. Click on Edit HTML
    4. Hit Proceed button
    5. Check Expand Widget Template checkbox.
    6. Find below code in your template,

    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'/>

    add below piece of code just above it,

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    .promote_post_bg {
        height: 103px;
        background: url( 0 -7px no-repeat;
        width: 500px;
        margin-left: 65px;
    .promote_twitter {
        width: 130px;
        height: 38px;
        float: left;
        margin: 0 39px 0 0;
        padding: 65px 0 0 13px;
        text-align: center;
    .promote_facebook {
        width: 115px;
        height: 40px;
        float: left;
        margin: 0 39px 0 0;
        padding: 63px 0 0 28px;
        text-align: center;
    .promote_google {
        width: 65px;
        height: 40px;
        float: left;
        margin: 0 39px 0 0;
        padding: 65px 0 0 28px;
        text-align: center;
        <div class='promote_post_bg'>
            <div class='promote_twitter'>
                <a class='twitter-share-button' data-via='jacobsilitonga' href=''>Tweet</a>
                    function (d, s, id) {
                        var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
                        if (!d.getElementById(id)) {
                            js = d.createElement(s);
                   = id;
                            js.src = "//";
                            fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
                    }(document, "script", "twitter-wjs");
            <div class='promote_facebook'>
           <fb:like expr:href="data:post.canonicalUrl" layout='button_count' send='false'
                    show_faces='false' font="verdana" action="like" colorscheme="light"></fb:like>
                    <b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>
                            (function (d) {
                                var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk';
                                if (d.getElementById(id)) {
                                js = d.createElement('script');
                       = id;
                                js.async = true;
                                js.src = "//";
            <div class='promote_google'>
                <g:plusone annotation="none" size='medium'></g:plusone>
                <script type='text/javascript'>
                    (function () {
                        var po = document.createElement('script');
                        po.type = 'text/javascript';
                        po.async = true;
                        po.src = '';
                        var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
                        s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

    Now save your template and you are done.
    It Simple?

    How To Create table of contents cool

    How To Create table of contents cool

  • How To Create table of contents cool- Table of contents is a widget or navigation is very important for a blog, because it will allow visitors to find articles that are searchable.Example

    How to make it pretty easy, please copy and paste the code below
    The kode:
    <link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
    <div id="tabbed-toc">
    <span class="loading">Loading...</span></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var tabbedTOC = {
    blogUrl: "", // Blog URL
    containerId: "tabbed-toc", // Container ID
    activeTab: 1, // The default active tab index (default: the first tab)
    showDates: false, // true to show the post date
    showSummaries: false, // true to show the posts summaries
    numChars: 200, // Number of summary chars
    showThumbnails: false, // true to show the posts thumbnails (Not recommended)
    monthNames: [ // Array of month names
    newTabLink: true, // Open link in new window?
    maxResults: 99999, // Maximum posts result
    preload: 0 // Load the feed after 5 seconds (option => time in milliseconds || "onload")
    <span style="font-size: xx-small;">widget by: <a href=""></a></span>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Note: Please replace the red writing above with your blog URL

    Saturday, 16 March 2013

    They Made Their Billions

    They Made Their Billions

    With the Euro-crisis having its effect across the whole of the continent, Germany’s top 10 richest have nothing to do with the banking or financial sectors. In fact, the top 100 richest Germans have managed to increase their fortunes by 6.5 percent over the past 12 months. Not bad going considering the climate.

    Meet the top 10 Richest Germans

    #10 Rethmann Family

    #10 Rethmann Family
    Worth: €6 billion ($8.2 billion)
    How the money’s made: Through the ownership and operation of private water, raw material and waste management company, Remondis.

    Tied #8 Oetker Family

    Tied #8 Oetker Family
    Worth: €7 billion ($9.5 billion)
    How the money’s made: Through ownership of giant food company, Oetker.

    Tied #8 Günter and Daniela Herz

    Tied #8 Günter and Daniela Herz
    Worth: €7 billion ($9.5 billion)
    How the money’s made: By the operation of mega-shipping company Germanischer Lloyd.

    #7 Reinhold Family

    #7 Reinhold Family
    Worth: €7.2 billion ($9.8 billion)
    How the money’s made: Ownership and operation of Würth Elektronik.

    Tied #5 Reimann Family

    Tied #5 Reimann Family
    Worth: €8 billion ($10.9 billion)
    How the money’s made: Through the operation of Reckitt Benckiser, the manufacturer of several popular household cleaning products. Also on the portfolio is perfume and cologne manufacturer Coty.

    Tied #5 Susanne Klatten

    Tied #5 Susanne Klatten
    Worth: €8 billion ($10.9 billion)
    How the money’s made: She’s the heiress to the BMW fortune. She inherited an substantial stake in the car manufacturer after her father’s death and also a majority stake in chemicals company Altana.

    #4 Otto Family

    #4 Otto Family
    Worth: €9 billion ($12.2 billion)
    How the money’s made: Through the ownership of private mail order company, Otto mail order.

    #3 Dieter Schwarz

    #3 Dieter Schwarz
    Worth: €11.5 billion ($15.6 billion)
    How the money’s made: Through the running of supermarket titan Lidl and hypermarket chain Kaufland.

    #2 Berthold and Theo Albrecht Jr.

    #2 Berthold and Theo Albrecht Jr.
    Worth: €16 billion ($21.8 billion)
    How the money’s made: Through ownership and operation of Aldi Nord, the supermarket chain.

    And in at number #1…Karl Albrecht

    And in at number #1...Karl Albrecht
    Worth: €17.2 billion ($23.4 billion)
    How the money’s made: Through ownership and operation of the other side of the Aldi supermarket chain, Aldi Sud.

    ARTICLE SOURCE: Manager Magazin

    The 35 #1 Billionaires From Each Major Country

    The 35 #1 Billionaires From Each Major Country

    There are more billionaires in the world than ever before–Forbes puts the figure at 1,210. This article here shows you the #1 Billionaire in each major country in the world.
    There were lots of shakeups this year, with lots of former titleholders losing their superlatives, and several titleholders vastly increasing their net worths. It’s interesting to see how some of these Billionaires made their money, read on for some inspiring information on the richest men and women from around the world.

    The richest Dane: Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen

    The richest Dane: Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen
    Net worth:$4.7 billionForbes rank: 223
    Background: He is the grandson of the inventor of Legos, the ubiquitous kids’ building block. Kristiansen ran the company for 25 years before stepping down in 2004.

    The richest Greek: Spiro Latsis

    The richest Greek: Spiro Latsis
    Image: Wikipedia
    Net worth:$4.8 billionForbes rank: 219
    Background: Latsis made his fortune in the shipping industry, but he has taken a real hit as Greece’s economy has collapsed.

    The richest Austrian: Dietrich Mateschitz

    The richest Austrian: Dietrich Mateschitz
    Net worth:$5 billionForbes rank: 208
    Background: Mateschitz is the creator of Red Bull, the energy drink that is popular worldwide.
    He also owns stakes in two soccer teams, a Formula One racing team, and a luxury resort in Fiji.

    The richest Argentines: Carlos and Alejandro Bulgheroni

    The richest Argentines: Carlos and Alejandro Bulgheroni
    Net worth: $5.1 billionForbes rank: 200
    Background: The brothers turned Bridas, their father’s oil services company, into Argentina’s second-largest oil and gas company.
    They overtook the former richest person in Argentina, Gregorio Perez Companc, whose net worth fell from $2 billion to $1.4 billion this year.

    The richest Egyptian: Nassef Sawiris

    The richest Egyptian: Nassef Sawiris
    Image: AP Images
    Networth: $5.6 billionForbes rank: 182
    Background: Nassef Sawiris’ father, Onsi, founded Orascom conglomerate. Nassef took over the company’s construction and fertilizer division in 1998.

    The richest Taiwanese: Cher Wang & Wenchi Chen

    The richest Taiwanese: Cher Wang & Wenchi Chen
    Pictured: Cher Wang
    Image: Wikimedia Commons
    Net worth: $6.8 billionForbes rank: 143
    Background: The husband and wife duo run HTC, one of the biggest tech companies in the world. Wang was also born into wealth.
    They replaced Terry Gou, an electronics magnate who was previously the richest person in Taiwan.

    The richest Dutch: Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken

    The richest Dutch: Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken
    Image: Courtesy of Heineken International
    Net worth: $7.5 billionForbes rank: 124
    Background: Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken took over Heineken when her father, Henry Heineken, passed away leaving her his fortune. Carvalho-Heineken lives her life out of the spotlight. Unlike her father, who was known to show off his wealth, she lives an anonymous life with her husband and five kids.

    The richest Japanese: Masayoshi Son

    The richest Japanese: Masayoshi Son
    Image: Ap
    Networth: $8.1 billionForbes rank: 113

    Background: Son is the founder of the internet and telecom firm SoftBank. He owns stakes in several major internet companies, and beat out Tadashi Yanai to become the richest person in Japan.

    The richest South Korean: Lee Kun-Hee

    The richest South Korean: Lee Kun-Hee
    Image: AP Images
    Net worth: $8.6 billionForbes rank: 105
    Background: Lee Kun-Hee is the chairman of Samsung. In 2008, he stepped down as chairman due to charges of tax evasion and breach of trust. But after being pardoned at the end of 2009, he resumed his position in March of 2010.

    The richest Australian: Gina Rinehart

    The richest Australian: Gina Rinehart
    Image: The Sydney Morning Herald
    Net worth:$9 billionForbes rank: 100
    Background: Gina Rinehart owns all the shares of her father’s mining company, Hancock Mining. Given the recent boom in the value of her iron mines, she’s on track to become the richest woman in the world.
    She overtook the former wealthiest Australian, Andrew Forrest, who also owns an iron ore company.

    The richest Czech: Petr Kellner

    The richest Czech: Petr Kellner
    Image: Courtesy of PPF Group
    Net worth: $9.2 billionForbes rank: 97
    Background: Petr Kellner is the major shareholder in Dutch holding company PPF Group N.V., which controls the PPF Group, founded by him in 1991. He was born in the Czech Republic and graduated from the University of Economics, Prague in 1986.

    The richest Chinese: Liang Wengen

    The richest Chinese: Liang Wengen
    Net worth: $9.3 billionForbes rank: 114 (as of March 2011)
    Background: Wengen, chairman of machinery manufacturer Sany Group, just overtook Baidu founder Robin Li to become the titleholder of the richest man in China. Forbes puts his fortune at $9.3 billion, while HuRun report says its closer to $11 billion.

    The richest Swiss: Ernesto Bertarelli

    The richest Swiss: Ernesto Bertarelli
    Image: AP Images
    Net worth: $10 billionForbes rank: 81
    Background: Ernesto Bertarelli inherited his father’s company, Serono, SA in 1996 which his family sold in 2007.  Today he is involved with Kedge Capital and Ares Life Sciences. Ernesto also founded a yachting team in 2000 and they won the America’s Cup in 2003. Ernesto serves as navigator of the team.

    The richest Israeli: Sammy Ofer

    The richest Israeli: Sammy Ofer
    Net worth: $10.3 billionForbes rank: 73
    Background: Sammy Ofer is one of the world’s biggest shipping tycoons. In 2008 he was knighted in London after a $20 million contribution to Britain’s National Maritime Museum.

    The richest Kuwaiti: Nasser Al-Kharafi

    The richest Kuwaiti: Nasser Al-Kharafi
    Net worth: $10.4 billionForbes rank: 77

    Background: Nasser Al-Kharafi inherited his fortune from his father’s company, M.A. Kharafi & Sons. Much of the company’s profit comes from construction but they are also involved in investing and manufacturing.

    The richest Colombian: Luis Carlos Sarmiento

    The richest Colombian: Luis Carlos Sarmiento
    Net worth: $10.5 billionForbes rank: 75
    Background: Sarmiento started out in the construction industry and later expanded his empire into financial services.
    He just overtook the former wealthiest man in Chile, Julio Mario Santo Domingo.

    The richest Cypriot: John Fredriksen

    The richest Cypriot: John Fredriksen
    Net worth: $10.7 billionForbes rank: 72
    Background: John Fredriksen is a oil-tanker and shipping Tycoon and owns company Frontline Ltd. He is known as a modern-day Aristotle Onassis.

    The richest Malaysian: Robert Kuok

    The richest Malaysian: Robert Kuok
    Net worth: $12.5 billionForbes rank: 61
    Background: Kuok made his fortune in the shipping, palm oil and cane sugar fields.
    At one point it was rumored that he bought the world’s most expensive yacht–a $4.8 billion, gold-covered monstrosity–but those rumors were quickly debunked.

    The richest Brit: Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor

    The richest Brit: Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor
    Image: Wikimedia Commons
    Net worth: $13 billionForbes rank: 57
    Background: Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor’s fortune comes from his Grosvenor Property Group. His real estate group has holdings on five continents. Cavendish is also sixth Duke of Westminster.

    The richest Nigerian: Aliko Dangote

    The richest Nigerian: Aliko Dangote
    Net worth:$13.8 billionForbes rank: 51
    Background: The Nigerian’s fortune increased 557% percent in the past year, propelling him up in the rankings.
    He started out as a commodities trader and built his Dangote Group into a company with interests in sugar, flour milling, salt processing, cement manufacturing, textiles, real estate, and oil and gas.

    The richest Ukrainian: Rinat Akhmetov

    The richest Ukrainian: Rinat Akhmetov
    Image: Wikipedia
    Net worth:$16 billionForbes rank: 39
    Background: Akhmetov started in the coal and coke fields and expanded it into the conglomerate System Capital Management.
    He bought a $221 million penthouse at One Hyde Park in London last year, and built a $400 million soccer stadium in his hometown of Donetsk.

    The richest Italian: Michele Ferrero

    The richest Italian: Michele Ferrero
    Networth: $18 billionForbes rank: 32
    Background: Michele Ferrero owns European chocolate company Ferrero. Ferrero created Tic-Tacs, Kinder Eggs, Nutella, and of course Ferrero Rocher. Unlike most Italian billionaires, Ferrero prefers to live life out of the spotlight and simply has a passion for creating great chocolate.

    The richest Chilean: Iris Fontbona

    The richest Chilean: Iris Fontbona
    Networth: $19.2 billionForbes rank: 27
    Background: Iris Fontbona and her family control one of the world’s largest copper mining businesses, Antofagasta. Fontbona was once married to billionaire Andronico Luksic who died in 2005.

    The richest Saudi Arabian: Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud

    The richest Saudi Arabian: Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud
    Net worth: $19.6 billionForbes rank: 26
    Background: This prince started young; he was chairman of his own company by the age of 14.

    The richest Canadian: David Thomson

    The richest Canadian: David Thomson
    Net worth: $23 billionForbes rank: 17
    Background: David Thomson is the chairman of Thomson Reuters. His grandfather Roy founded the company in 1934.

    The richest Russian: Vladimir Lisin

    The richest Russian: Vladimir Lisin
    Image: European Shooting Confederation
    Networth: $24 billionForbes rank: 14
    Background: Vladimir Lisin went from rags to riches. Lisin began his career as a mechanic, then a steelworker. He later joined Trans-World Group, traders who had control of the steel and aluminum industry in Russia. After Trans-World Group split up, Lisin received a 13% share, and then a controlling share.

    The richest Swede: Stefan Persson

    The richest Swede: Stefan Persson
    Image: Prolineserver2010 via Wikimedia Commons
    Net worth: $24.5 billionForbes rank: 13
    Background: Persson is the chairman of H&M, the budget retail store that has expanded quickly across Europe and the U.S.
    He displaced Ingvar Kamprad, chairman of Ikea, whose wealth dropped from $17 billion to $6 billion this year.

    The richest German: Karl Albrecht

    The richest German: Karl Albrecht
    Image: AP Images
    Networth: $25.5 billionForbes rank: 12

    Background: Karl Albrecht served in WWII for Germany’s army and used lessons from war and postwar Germany to build successful company ALDI with his brother.

    The richest Hong Konger: Li Ka-shing

    The richest Hong Konger: Li Ka-shing
    Net worth: $26 billionForbes rank: 11
    Background: Li Ka-Shing dropped out of high school at age 15 and sold plastic flowers to help support his family.

    The richest Brazilian: Eike Batista

    The richest Brazilian: Eike Batista
    Image: Wilson Dias/Abr via Wikimedia Commons
    Networth: $30 billionForbes rank: 8
    Background: Eike Batista built his fortune through the business of mining. Batista is a fashionable billionaire, as he says he prefers dark suits with pink ties.

    The richest Spaniard: Amancio Ortega

    The richest Spaniard: Amancio Ortega
    Net worth: $31 billionForbes rank: 7
    Background: Amancio Ortega began his career as a manager at a clothing shop. After noticing only the wealthiest customers could afford the expensive clothing, he decided to make a line of his own. Over time, his business grew and profited and today he owns Zara, a clothing store known for having the trends at low prices.

    The richest Indian: Lakshmi Mittal

    The richest Indian: Lakshmi Mittal
    Networth: $31.1 billionForbes rank: 6
    Background: Huge profits at Mittal’s company, ArcelorMittal, helped push Mittal into the number one spot in India ahead of the former placeholder, Mukesh Ambani.

    The richest French: Bernard Arnault

    The richest French: Bernard Arnault
    Image: AP Images
    Net worth: $41 billionForbes rank: 4
    Background: Bernard Arnault’s fashion fortune began in 1984 when he bought bankrupt company, Boussac Saint-Frères, which owned luxury brand House of Dior. He soon bought LVMH, which owns Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Tag Heuer, Donna Karan, Fendi, and Moët & Chandon.
    Now, he obsesses over every detail of every collection released by the designers, his wife told the WSJ.

    The richest American: Bill Gates

    The richest American: Bill Gates
    Image: Andreas Pizsa via Flickr
    Net worth: $56 billionForbes rank: 2
    Background: The wealthiest man in America did not even graduate from college. Gates dropped out of Harvard University his junior year when he had his idea for Microsoft.

    The richest Mexican: Carlos Slim Helu

    The richest Mexican: Carlos Slim Helu
    Net worth: $74 billionForbes rank: 1
    Background: Carlos Slim came from humble beginnings. His father was an immigrant shoe maker and Slim built his fortune from almost nothing. And although he has billions now, friends say he wears cheap suits and prefers pen and paper to fancy computers.

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